Doggie Daycare Stafford OR
How to Choose Doggie Daycare for Your Dog Doggie Daycare Stafford OR also referred to as dog day care, refers to a small short-term day care for dogs, usually up to one hour per day. It fills a gap between overnight kennel or dog sitting, where the sitter come to the dog's house to care for it during the night. Doggie day care is becoming a popular option for many pet owners, because it offers a more personal kind of care, in a less stressful environment. Doggie daycare centers often have a number of animals, from aging dogs, sick puppies, over-weight and overweight dogs, older dogs, and even lost or stray dogs. The animals are housed in kennels or large animal enclosures and are fed, groomed, and played with on a regular schedule. Doggie daycare services may be provided by a number of facilities or organizations. These include shelters, doggie daycare centers, private boarding schools, and others. Some benefits that come with doggie day care are that the pup...